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Please Donate to the Caucus

As a caucus within AFT, we do not receive any financial support from AFT. We also, cognizant of the financial hardship many adjuncts face, do not charge membership dues. At the same time, doing things like running a website, tabling at AFT conferences and conventions, having a zoom account, etc. do cost money.  We rely on your donations.


We are and have been working to get AFT to put attention and resources to, and take action on issues related to adjunct/contingent working conditions. We contributed to the 2019 "Contingent Faculty Quality of Work Life Survey" resulting in the 2020 AFT report, "An Army of Temps," and we gave input regarding the 2020 "Contingent Faculty Survey." Some of our members have been working within their own locals and federations to put forth national resolutions on adjunct-contingent issues, like the right to participate in shared governance at our respective institutions.


Donations for you help us in this cause. We are a 5019(c) 3 non-profit organization, which means your donation to the the caucus not only helps the caucus, but is tax deductible.

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