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Take Action

Here you will find links to both actionable items related to ongoing local actions, state and local legislation, as well as links to toolkits dedicated to empowering your fight for campus equity.

General Activist Tools

Revised Annually, this toolkit, put together by the California Federation of Teachers, contains articles, advice, and actionable items to help you not just with Campus Equity Week, but Adjunct-Contingent Faculty Mobilization in general

Follow the news with us

Go here to see the caucus's latest posts

on various articles dealing with everything from local contract campaigns, state legislation, and other issues related to academic contingency.

Know the AFT National Adjunct-Contingent Worklife Picture

Read the AFT Report on Adjunct-Contingent living and working conditions

based of the 2021 AFT "Contingent Faculty Quality of Worklife Survey"

What's been happening legislatively for AFT Adjunct/Contingent Faculty throughout the US over the past year?  Find out in this detailed report

State and National Level Legislative Action

This link will in turn take you to links regarding current adjunct-contingent related legislation happening from state to state, and nationwide.

Get to know your other allies.

Here you will find a list of links to various Adjunct Advocacy Groups, including various adjunct bloggers and activists.

Direct, Individual-based Action

The above link will take you to official AFT local, state or national letter

writing campaigns for adjunct/contingent, or adjunct/contingent-related advocacy. Some will be electronic letters you can submit, others you may have to download, print out and send yourself, but either way, they are empowering you to take direct action.

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